Memory bears and more
Hell, I am Sheryl Poveda the owner of Tuckerbears. I have been sewing for over 30 years and started Tuckerbears in 2008. I love making bears and treasured memories. Let me create a memory for you!
Memory bears can be made from any material. Shirts, pants, pajamas, apron, baby clothes, table cloths, military uniform, wedding dress… and so much more. It is best made of cotton material (no stretchy material is best) but can work with just about anything. Material can be from someone who has passed away or from a special time in your life. Jewelry can be added such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets and so on. The possibilities are endless. Contact me for more information!
Once upon a time in 2000 I got a puppy. He was 10 weeks old and only 3.5 lbs. He was so small and cute. Rat Terrier and Pekingese mix they said, and I needed a name for him... Gizmo… George... should I go cute animal names or human… ugh. It took me a week and then… I got it, Tucker! He got this name because this little guy stayed right by my side and tucked himself as close to me as he possibly could. Then 10 years later I was forming my business and yet again, I have to come up with a name; a name that meant love and comfort. The first thing I thought of was my little man Tucker. How it felt to have him always with me tucked up by my side. So I dedicated this business to him. Although it might not be a name that means love and comfort to everyone it does to me and that is the feeling that I hope an owner of a bear would feel. Tucker passed away February 24th 2014 but his memory will live on and he will always have a huge hunk of my heart.
About me